10 Reasons Why Christine Mwende, The Iron Lady Uplifting Women Is Gunning To Clinch The NGUUTANI MCA Seat In 2022.

By PATRICK KIMANZI, Editor NGUUTANI - They do not call Christine Mwende an Iron Lady for nothing. The 30 year old politician lady gunning to represent Nguutani Ward at the Kitui County Assembly come 2022 has proved her mettle in matters of women empowerment - not only in her Ward but across Mwingi West constituency as a whole. Hearts and Minds According to one Boda Boda association official Mwangangi Muthami who hails from her village, the Iron Lady has been winning hearts and minds of everyone including Boda Boda operators by helping them overcome the red tape when registering Saccos and CBOs. Advisory Services Two years down the line Christine has helped register over 8 Sacco including the Mwingi West Boda Boda Sacco and Uthui Sacco, with tens of self-help groups belonging to women in the 4 wards that make up Mwingi West constituency benefiting from her advisory services. Rigourous Red Tape "In 2018 Mwende, who comes from the neighboring Nzauni village met us at Nguutan...