By PATRICK KIMANZI, Editor, MP PRESS WAITA, MWINGI - Jubilation rent the air as residents living in Nyanyaa, Kivui and Mbaa Moki villages welcomed a Tsunami branded grader-(a personal initiative by area MP Gideon Mulyungi) as massive grading and renovations of roads damaged by floods in Waita Ward, Mwingi Sub County got underway this week, local media reported on Sunday. Residents Accuse Kitui Government Of Neglecting Mwingi Sub-County Roads Network Alternatively, it was a no banquets but stinging barbs for the lackadaisical Kitui County Government, as irate residents castigated the inept gubernatorial government in Kitui, accusing it of systematic utter neglect, marginalization and total absconding of duty and its mandate to repair roads. Unreachable Markets "We have been neglected, pushed aside and left on our own by the CGok. Our harvest is rotting, we can not reach the markets in Mwingi and Nairobi because roads damaged by April rains have remained impassable...