Keep Off Tsunami Roads Grader, MP Warns Kitui Incompetent Mwingi Sub County Admin

By MP PRESS Editor

WAITA, MWINGI- Local development icon Gideon Mulyungi has warned the newly appointed Mwingi Sub County Administrator Alex Mutemi and Kitui cronies to keep off his Tsumani Grader currently paving roads in Waita and Kivou Wards since they have failed to deliver their mandate on infrastructure, the MP Spokesperson has told local reporters.

Subjugation Of Mwingi People By Kitui Cronies Is A No No. Its Unacceptable

The MP told the media, through his Director of Communications Patrick Kimanzi that "The Kitui Government since its inception last year is hell bent to systematically - through cronies who failed during the August elections, of acutely neglecting all Mwingi roads, all dispensaries, all our projects and indeed its people. They are taking Mwingi for granted, but Tsunami will chip in from his pocket.

An Opinion Polls Last Month Placed The Wiper MP Manifesto Development At 84.1 %

"The people of larger Mwingi have lost confidence in Kitui leadership and it's ruling clique of corruption who are embezzling funds meant for development" said Gideon Mulyungi.

MP Inspects Malioni Secondary Which He Helped Construct In A Record 4 Months

The MP convoy was stuck along Kangutha Kwa Muku road for hours as MP struggled to reach a church fundraiser where he donated Ksh 76,000 for colour roofing| PHOTO|PATRICK KIMANZI|HARRISON|MPPRESS

"I can not sit, wait and watch as my people struggle with bad roads washed away by floods and that's why the Tsunami Grader came along. I have to buffet my people and save my electorate from Kitui shennigans who are incompetent despite having more than 20 graders lying idle in Kitui" said the MP on Sunday after inspecting his 4 classes ans an office at Malioni Secondary School which he helped construct in a record 4 months.

The MP Ambitious Manifesto Is Rubbing Kitui Enemies Of Development The Wrong Way



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