COUNTY PROFILES: Meet Hon. Kimanzi MUANGE, The Tseikuru Leader Winning Hearts and Minds


When Hon Kimanzi Muange, a well known and popular leader in Mwingi North 

started his escalated lobbying to get many young people acquire jobs,  training and business opportunities in the region, many residents could tell he was poised for greatness.

The charismatic Mwingi North has been steadily winning hearts and minds in the region at the turn of the century is a well known grassroots mobilizer.

Hailing from Tseikuru Ward specifically, the known public personality and bureaucrat is not only popular but is loved by many in the region.

An alumni of the prestigious Kitui School, Muange possesses acumen in leadership coupled with International exposure, a rich diplomatic background, not to mention his mastery of Kikamba dialect.

COUNTY DIARY collated some of his Quick Facts below.

- MBA, major of Leadership

- Protocol & PR guru

- HR professional 

- Best managerial skills

- Team player

- Grassroots mobiliser 

- Orator per excellence 

- Organiser 

- Drafting/writing skills

- Superb English

- Experienced public servant

- Negotiator

- God fearing

- Resources mobilizer

*I posses a helping heart by the grace of God, i have a burden to help and serve - the much or little i have i always share with community, including helping many to secure opportunities"* said Hon. Kimanzi MUANGE speaking to COUNTY DIARY


  1. A father and a leader
    Qualified for leadership skills. .


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