Kitui Newspaper Says Kitui AI Programme Was A Scam


The social media is flooding with hogwash about how the Artificial Insemination Project is a *success* to date. However, there's a lot nobody is telling the masses out there!

*One:* What the DG has been doing all along is *palpitations* of the heifers, which is simply _the exercise of massaging the cows' uteruses_ , something the experts will agree with me that *has absolutely nothing to do with impregnating cows*.

*Two:* Owing to the _Free-roaming grazing methods_ employed by 99.9% of our local Farmers, *most cows that might have been on heat had already been serviced by the communal bulls long before the "vet-man" came along with his plastic gloves.*

*Three:* This project will have the most complicated *monitoring and evaluation process*, bearing in mind that it's almost impossible to quantify the number of cows impregnated through the AI drive until the animals give birth; and taking in the factor of a cow's gestation period.

*Last but not Least:* Out of the presented number of cows, let's sample 100 of these, *only ONE or TWO have been viable candidates for the insemination exercise!*
We haven't had any reports of a second round of vets in any area previously visited and the animals _palpitated_ (or should I use their favourite word: *synchronized*).

This means that even those induced with artificial homones*, none has witnessed a follow up for insemination*!!!!


But this is the truth: *All Those Millions Are Just Being Blown Away into Already Fat Purses, and _Nobody Cares a Dime about that Poor Musangi's Heifer!!!_*

*Yours Truthful as Usual,*
*Brian Peter,*
*Chief Editor,*
*Kitui Newspaper ™*


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