Why and How To Get NHIF Card Launched By Mulyungi

NHIF can come in handy especially when you are admitted in Government, mission hospitals and some private hospitals as it will cater for all the expenses as along as you have been remitting your monthly
Update: You can now register online for NHIF http://www.nhif.or.ke/healthinsurance/registeronline/
(You will need to scan and upload the below documents
What you need to register for NHIF
1. Copy of National I.D (including spouse if applicable)
2. Coloured passport photo (including spouse & dependents if applicable)
3. Original & copies of Birth Certificate(s) for dependents
4. If employed (your employer should give you the NHIF employer code)
For members under the voluntary category, they pay Kshs.500 per month (Kshs.6000 per annum). For those in formal employment, contributions are made as per their income.
An in-patient cover for the contributor, declared spouse and children
Provides comprehensive medical cover in majority of over 400 accredited Government facilities, Mission health providers and some private health providers across the country
Provides in-patient services in private and high cost hospitals on a co-payment basis
Comprehensive maternity and CS (Caesarian) package in government hospitals, majority of mission and some private hospitals
M-Pesa Procedure
To pay via your mobile phone (enabled with Mpesa service) follow these simple steps:
1.Select the Pay Bill option
2.Enter Busines no.200222
3.Enter a/c no: Type in contributor’s National Identity Number
4.Enter amount: Type in the amount you wish to contribute
5.Enter your Mpesa Pin
6.Confirm all details are correct then press OK
You will receive a confirmation SMS from Mpesa immediately.
Transaction charges are as follows:
Min. Amount (Ksh) Max. Amount (Ksh) Charge (Ksh)
10 49 3
50 99 5
100 499 22
NB: This option is only available to voluntary contributors & the self employed.
TAGS: health insurance , nhif , out-patient cover
NHIF can come in handy especially when you are admitted in Government, mission hospitals and some private hospitals as it will cater for all the expenses as along as you have been remitting your monthly
Update: You can now register online for NHIF http://www.nhif.or.ke/healthinsurance/registeronline/
(You will need to scan and upload the below documents
What you need to register for NHIF
1. Copy of National I.D (including spouse if applicable)
2. Coloured passport photo (including spouse & dependents if applicable)
3. Original & copies of Birth Certificate(s) for dependents
4. If employed (your employer should give you the NHIF employer code)
For members under the voluntary category, they pay Kshs.500 per month (Kshs.6000 per annum). For those in formal employment, contributions are made as per their income.
An in-patient cover for the contributor, declared spouse and children
Provides comprehensive medical cover in majority of over 400 accredited Government facilities, Mission health providers and some private health providers across the country
Provides in-patient services in private and high cost hospitals on a co-payment basis
Comprehensive maternity and CS (Caesarian) package in government hospitals, majority of mission and some private hospitals
M-Pesa Procedure
To pay via your mobile phone (enabled with Mpesa service) follow these simple steps:
1.Select the Pay Bill option
2.Enter Busines no.200222
3.Enter a/c no: Type in contributor’s National Identity Number
4.Enter amount: Type in the amount you wish to contribute
5.Enter your Mpesa Pin
6.Confirm all details are correct then press OK
You will receive a confirmation SMS from Mpesa immediately.
Transaction charges are as follows:
Min. Amount (Ksh) Max. Amount (Ksh) Charge (Ksh)
10 49 3
50 99 5
100 499 22
NB: This option is only available to voluntary contributors & the self employed.
TAGS: health insurance , nhif , out-patient cover
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