KANGAROO! Kitui Philanthropist Hon Allan Sila Dismisses KPC Recent Debate As A Sham!



Kitui top philanthropist Hon. Allan Sila has dismissed the recent so-called online debate hosted by nondescript Kitui Professional Chat What'sapp group as a Kangaroo debate for dimwits, COUNTY DIARY has learnt. 

Speaking on Sunday, Hon Sila, whose unmatched sustained fight against the COVID-19 pandemic across the vast  Kitui County has been winning hearts and minds of the electorate, said the debate was a mockery.

"It is superfluous and derogatory to hastily organize a debate between people who have contributed nothing to the people of Kitui. I dismiss the debate in total" said the philanthropist whose work on education scholarships remains outstanding - not to mention women and youth Support, PLWDS and sports speaks for itself.

Hon. Sila remains unmoved like an Ionian pillar, buffeted by the people of Kitui who are an eye witness to his work" said a representative of Joysila Foundation whose annual support in Kitui remains a life changer.

Last week, members of the so called KPC went forth and cobbled up a quasi debate that, according to the Incoming Senator - 'was meant to disparage and malign my name'.

"They fell flat on their face. Everyone can see through their smokescreen. It is a dastard act that not only ashamed  the group but gave me more steam to work tireless for my people. There will always be people trying to pull you down in this Age of Kali" said Hon Allan Sila speaking to COUNTY DIARY.


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