Kitui Sen.Kiio Wambua Issues 7 Day Ultimatum To Ngilu Over Multimillion Crusher Ownership


KITUI- Kitui Senator Enock Wambua has issued a *7* day ultimatum to the Kitui County Governor Kaluki Ngilu to urgently provide full information regarding the ownership of the controversial multi-million crusher she purchased last year.

The crusher, proposed in 2016 by *Lower Yatta Multi-purpose Cooperative Society* was set to benefit more than 9,000 members but the machinery is sitting idle to date due to the controversy surrounding it's ownership.

While issuing the 7 day ultimatum, *Sen. Kiio Wambua said:*

"I am therefore giving the Governor 7 days to explain the ownership of the multi-million crusher to the people of Kitui.

 Who owns this expensive crusher? Is it owned by the said Cooperative Society? Does the County Government of Kitui own it and for what purpose since the law forbids counties from engaging in business? Or is the crusher a personal property of the Governor?.

Meanwhile the Lower Yatta Multi-purpose Cooperative Society has been urged to increase its membership to enable it gain a upper hand during business negotiations.

"I also urge the co-operative society to increase its membership so that they can negotiate for higher prices and increase their profit margins. The more members you have the high chances of lucrative business" said the Senator.



  1. My senator please ensure your people acquire the best one from your effort, Kama ni mtu amepatikana na wizi fungulia yeye mashtaka hatutaki Mali yetu itumike na wenye Kitui ila wananchi wa Kitui, am supporting you 99.5% keep it up!

  2. its good to find out the ownership b4 tebleing the matter if any wrong doing then we have to go to court


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