Mwingi MCAs Tell Off Kitui Governor Over The Fake Kivutha Mutua Nexus Against Kalonzo


MWINGI The strident crescendo of anti-Ngilu political epithets reverbrating across the entire Kitui County this week came to a shattering climax in Mwingi, when 6 MCAs allied to the popular development icon Gideon Mulyungi
converged at Musukini market today.

First Salvo

The first MCA to fire the first salvo at the embattled Kitui Governor was Nguni Ward MCA Jefferson Kiruru who recounted earmarked yet shelved projects meant for Larger Mwingi, reminding the Governor that her systematic, hate driven neglect of Mwingi must stop or else there will be 'war'.

KICOTEC, what a dirty kiko!

"Show me one single projects by the Ngilu Administration in Mwingi. Show me one single trainee from the dirty corruption, nepotism ridden KICOTEC that sunk millions from public coffers?" asked Kivou MCA Charles Maema, to the chagrin of the parents who had gathered for Mulyungi 2019 bursaries disbursement excercise.

Wether it appeared to the famous Mwingi legislator that the fire breathing and seething MCAs had fully hijacked his usually fast paced but meticulously controlled bursaries disbursement excercise, it was not lost to the journalists present that the MP was as irked by Kitui just like the MCAs.

And when the icon, whose takes no prisoners when it comes to admonishing corruption and poor workmanship rose to speak, the crowd rose with him.

And Tsunami did not mince his words

The Famboyant Yet Firebrand Development Wiper Maestro MP

The flamboyant yet firebrand maestro Wiper MP popularly known as Tsunami, who has since branded the Ngilu Kibwana Mutua fake development nexus as "political prostitution" told the visibly angry crowd, now on their feet to condemn and curse axis whoever does not want Kingpin at the helm of this country come 2022.

"Today I am not going to tell you about how Ngilu has devided the Kamba people for over a decade in elective politics. No!

Rather I will tell you what the three, two of whom are political dinousers are;...they are waxed up political prostitutes peddling themselves in the streets at night!" said Tsunami, in a haltling Swahili waving his trademark flywhisk as swapping an unseen enemy of development that the current Kitui regime has metamorphosed into, less than year in power.

The Esrtwhile Ngilu Blue Eyed Boy Kawaya Locked

Conspicuous amongst the phalanx of MCAs leading the strident Ngilu onslaught included the Governor's esrtwhile blue eyed boy and Jubilee MCA "Kawaya" who spared no epithet: he termed the county boss as a theif who is robbing the county coffers dry as people perish due lack of health care.

Philma Reiterated She 100 Per Cent Locked To the Tsunami Development Jaggernaut

Mwingi Central Ward MCA, who seemed to time down the attacks on Kitui, however made her stand clear on whose camp she was supporting - should push down to shove.

Don't Be Lefft Behind!, When Saints Go Marching In!

"I am 100 percent in the Tsunami camp. Tsunami is about development and who wants to be left behind?

Cohesion Is The Key!

'Can't you see am the master of the ceremony today" asked the soft speaking yet calculating politician, as the crowd sang and danced at the new found cohesion unity advanced by Hon. Gideon Mulyungi.

Former MCAs In Mulyungi Lion Paw Grip

Others present at the high powered pseudo rally included former MCAs Hon. Benard Sila Munyasya and Kitili.



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