Kitui-Tana Border NPRs Want Extra Strength

ByPATRICK KIMANZI, MP PRESS Editor, at Tana-Kitui border.

CAPTION Kitui-Tana Border NPR's Want MP's Extra Deployments| Speaking to the Press yesteday at Kathungu, Ukasi the police reservists told area Mp Gideon Mulyungi that the Somali-bandit prone and porous border, is too long to patrol and wildlife poses danger. The Mp said he will form policing groups and require CDF coffers to aid in constructing 2 police posts along the notorious Mwanzele-Katumba cutline, whilst lobbying the NPS to expedite deploying extra-strength, and modern firepower. PHOTOS|MPPRESSIKIMANZI

More picture and captions on the escalating Tana River Kitui volatile border by MP PRESS Correspondents as area Mp toured the epicentre of escalating tension.

Local media reported Somali herdsmen and camels have been spotted around the yet to be demolished Mwanzele town, prompting residents to question their security, and that of their farms, as July harvest looms.

CAPTION: A Tv grab shows area Mp Gideon Mulyungi adressing dusraught Mwingi residents at the border©MPPRESS

MP PRESS Caveat: But it was not all guns, gloom and hopelessness. Here is my sunset photo deep in Sosoma as area convoy Mp traversed Nuu and Nguni yesterday.


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