
Showing posts from January, 2019

5M As Nguni Ward Grabs Lions Share Of Mulyungi Bursaries, Pundits Say He Rewarded Loyal Voters

BY PATRICK KIMANZI, Editor MWINGI Nguni Ward in Mwingi Central Constituency this week grabbed the lion's share of MP Mulyungi bursaries with more than 2,000 students benefitting from a staggering Ksh. 5M allocated in 2018/2019 financial year, local media reported on Friday. [image_0] Rewarding A Loyal Electorate? The move by the MP has been interpretated by area political pundits as a way of rewarding a loyal electorate considering that Nguni Ward voted en_masse for the flamboyant development orientated legislator. [image_1] But in a quick rejoinder, the Wiper MP aide in charge of all Hon. Mulyungi Communications rebutted the suggestion albeit with a caveat: "I can not deny that Gideon Mulyungi has a soft spot for his Nguni and Ukasi voters considering that when 5 people drowned at Enziu River, and another at Ivuusya Dam, the MP tagged along with MCA Kiruru. He responded with a lightening speed, quickly donating over Ksh 100,000, foodstuffs and hiring divers ...

Mwingi MCAs Tell Off Kitui Governor Over The Fake Kivutha Mutua Nexus Against Kalonzo

By PATRICK KIMANZI, Editor MWINGI The strident crescendo of anti-Ngilu political epithets reverbrating across the entire Kitui County this week came to a shattering climax in Mwingi, when 6 MCAs allied to the popular development icon Gideon Mulyungi converged at Musukini market today. First Salvo The first MCA to fire the first salvo at the embattled Kitui Governor was Nguni Ward MCA Jefferson Kiruru who recounted earmarked yet shelved projects meant for Larger Mwingi, reminding the Governor that her systematic, hate driven neglect of Mwingi must stop or else there will be 'war'. KICOTEC, what a dirty kiko! "Show me one single projects by the Ngilu Administration in Mwingi. Show me one single trainee from the dirty corruption, nepotism ridden KICOTEC that sunk millions from public coffers?" asked Kivou MCA Charles Maema, to the chagrin of the parents who had gathered for Mulyungi 2019 bursaries disbursement excercise. Wether it appeared to the f...

MP Mulyungi Today Kicks Off 13,000 Bursaries Disbursement In Mwingi

By PATRICK KIMANZI, Editor MWINGI Wiper MP Gideon Mulyungi today morning kicks off the disbursement of CDF bursaries to all 13,000 students who applied last year. "All 13,000 students who applied will get cheques. The applicants' parents and guardians, drawn from the 6 wards across the vast constituency, will produce ID cards at the venues below for authentication purposes said MP Director of Communications Patrick Kimanzi, according to a schedule released online on Friday. Gideon Mulyungi escalated Manifesto on Education seeks to construct new classrooms, while upgrading schools in Mwingi Central constituency. *HON. MULYUNGI CDF BURSARY DISBURSEMENT SCHEDULE* Tue:15/1/19: 9:Am CDF Musukini, 1PM Kiseveni (Central Ward) Wed: 16/1/2019: 9Am CDF Nguni (Nguni Ward). Wed: 17/1/2017: 9Am CDF Kavindu (Nuu Ward) Fri: 18/1/2019: 9Am CDF Mwambiu (Nuu Ward) . Sat 19/1/2019: 9Am CDF Masavi, 1Pm CDF Ukasi(Nguni Ward). Mon 21/1/2019: 9Am CDF Ikuuni (Kivou ...

Audit Yourselves First! Wiper MP Tells Kalonzo Detractors


13,000 Students Set To Benefit From Mulyungi 2019 Bursaries

By PATRICK KIMANZI & MPPRESS MWINGI More than 13,000 students drawn from 48 institutions in Kenya will benefit from Hon Mulyungi Bursaries in 2019, according to the MP Director of Communications Patrick Kimanzi. Escalating & Ratchets Up MP Manifesto " As Hon Mulyungi continues ratcheting up his noble and escalated Strategic Plan & Development Manifesto , with his ever strident clarion call towards scaling up Educational Bursaries in Mwingi Central Constituency, we call on all schools, all parents including all students who applied for the MP bursaries in 2018 to brace themselves for a whirlwind distribution of bursaries by Our Dear Leader " said Patrick Kimanzi speaking to local reporters in Mwingi. 13,000 Students Applied in 2018 A trending WhatsApp post available to online groups posted today showed an illustration depicting 13,000 beneficiaries juxtaposed with an image of the MP and a bold New Year 2019 above the illustrated photos.